Attend & Contribute to a Meeting

Agendas & Meeting Information

Link Descriptions

  • Agenda: View or download individual agenda attachments (and linked supplemental materials).
  • Event Link: Watch the live-streamed meeting. See also video requirements.
  • Agenda Packet: View or download the entire agenda with all supplemental materials in one document.

NOTE: The final agenda for each Planning Board meeting will be uploaded one week before the meeting.  For Planning Board meetings prior to December 15, 2022, visit  

How to Participate

Watch a Meeting Online

Planning Board

10:00 a.m. | Thursdays (unless otherwise indicated) | Open to the public

The Prince George’s County Planning Board meets on Thursdays to consider planning, zoning, subdivision, and other matters within its jurisdiction.

Join the meeting via live stream by going to the Agenda & Meeting Information tab, then to the Event Link next to the date of the meeting.

Sign up to Speak at a Meeting

Those who wish to speak at a Planning Board meeting MUST sign up.

  • Registration Deadline for Virtual Participation: Complete the Sign Up to Speak Form by 12:00 p.m. NOON | Tuesday, two days prior to the meeting to participate by phone or Microsoft Teams.
  • Registration for In-person Participation: Onsite registration will be available, however, advance registration is strongly encouraged. For advance registration, complete the Sign Up to Speak Form by 12:00 p.m. NOON | Tuesday, two days prior to the meeting.
  • Speakers may be subject to time limits to accommodate all who wish to speak.
  • The order of agenda items is for the convenience of the Planning Board and does not indicate the order in which cases will be called.
  • Public participation is encouraged.
  • Signing up to speak at a Planning Board meeting differs from becoming a person/party of record, which entitles you to be notified of upcoming meetings, actions, and decisions.
  • External participants will need to complete and submit a CAPTCHA to join the Microsoft Teams meeting. Bots from external vendors or organizations will be blocked from joining the meeting.

Submit Meeting Materials

By 12:00 p.m. NOON | Tuesday, two days prior to the meeting

All materials for Planning Board consideration MUST be submitted and received prior to 12:00 p.m. NOON on Tuesday, two days prior to the Planning Board meeting. Materials received after 12:00 p.m. NOON on Tuesday will not be considered by the Board but will become part of the record. Any materials submitted after the Planning Board has made a final decision on a case will not become part of the record. By submitting written materials, persons swear or affirm that the materials being submitted are the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

You may submit* correspondence to the Planning Board by: 

mailbox icon


Prince George’s County Planning Board
1616 McCormick Drive
Largo, MD 20774

Hand Delivery Icon

Hand Delivery

Prince George’s County Planning Board
1616 McCormick Drive
Largo, MD 20774

*By submitting written materials, you solemnly swear or affirm that the statements made therein are the whole truth and nothing but the truth. 

Become a Person/Party of Record

As a person/party of record in a development application case, you are notified of upcoming meetings, actions, and decisions rendered at certain stages of the development application process and relevant appeals procedures.

You may formally participate in a specific case, including:

  • Making a formal appearance (in person or through an attorney) at any stage of a case. 
  • Submitting oral or written comments on a permit subject to Prince George’s County planning regulations. 
  • Testifying or submitting a written statement related to a development action. 
  • Being granted party status (called “intervention”) or filing an appeal. 
  • Receiving a copy of all technical staff reports and scheduled hearings, actions, and decisions at certain stages of the application process. 
  • NOTE: Signing up as a person/party of record does not entitle you to speak at a Planning Board meeting.

Register as a Resident 

Registered residents will receive a monthly report of all development applications filed in up to two adjoining Council districts (sorted by Council district), and digital copies of the informational mailings for all listed applications.

*NOTE: To receive hearing dates and decisions on cases, please register to become a person/party of record

Receive Agendas & Notifications 

Sign up to receive Planning Board meeting agendas and notifications via email. 

Submit Required Registration for Lobbyists

Visit the new lobbying information center, which serves as a one-stop shop that informs and clarifies what lobbying is, who must register as a lobbyist, how to register, responses to frequently asked questions, and more.

Man standing at podium speaking into microphone.

Planning Board Meetings*

The Prince George’s County Planning Board meets on Thursdays to consider planning, zoning, subdivision, and other matters within its jurisdiction. Residents and community stakeholders are invited to testify, watch, or listen to Planning Board meetings. 

Thursday | 10:00 a.m. (unless otherwise indicated) | Open to the public

  • Location:
    IN PERSON: M-NCPPC Largo Headquarters, 1616 McCormick Drive, Largo, MD 20774
    VIRTUALLY: Via Microsoft Teams or a phone bridge.
  • Register to Speak Virtually: The Sign Up to Speak Form must be completed by 12 Noon on Tuesday – two days before the Planning Board Meeting to participate by phone or Microsoft Teams. After this deadline, persons who have not registered for virtual participation will not be permitted to address the Planning Board virtually during the meeting. A link will be provided to registered speakers by the Planning Board Office. External participants will need to complete and submit a CAPTCHA to join the Microsoft Teams meeting. Bots from external vendors or organizations will be blocked from joining the meeting.
  • Register to Speak In Person: Onsite registration will be available for individuals who would like to speak in person. However, advance registration is strongly encouraged. For advance registration, complete Sign Up to Speak Form by 12:00 p.m. NOON | Tuesday, two days prior to the meeting.
  • View Meeting: The public may view the meeting at the M-NCPPC Largo Headquarters, 1616 McCormick Drive, Largo, MD 20774 or via live-stream video – See “Event Link” under “Upcoming Events.” 
  • Submit Documents: All materials for Planning Board consideration must be submitted and received by Tuesday 12 Noon before the meeting. For your convenience, you may submit correspondence via e-mail to or hand delivery or U.S. Mail to 1616 McCormick Drive, Largo, MD 20774. By submitting written materials, persons swear or affirm that the materials being submitted are the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
  • Archived Meetings: See the links above or visit PGPlanning on YouTube to subscribe to our channel.
  • Assistance: M-NCPPC encourages the participation of persons with disabilities in all its programs and services. To request accommodation, contact the Planning Board Office at 301-952-3560 or Maryland Relay 711.

*In case of inclement weather, please call 301-952-5330 to obtain the status of the Planning Board meeting. For questions, contact Retha Pompey-Green at 301-952-4788.

Contact Us

Prince George’s County Planning Board

The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission

1616 McCormick Drive
Largo, MD 20774

PHONE: 301-952-3560

FAX: 301-952-5074

Jessica Jones

Planning Board Administrator

Prince George’s County Planning Board