Prince George’s County Planning Launches Retail Revitalization Online Guide





January 25, 2024

Updated January 30, 2024

Prince George’s County Planning Department Launches Retail Revitalization Online Guide to Encourage Redevelopment of Retail Corridors in Prince George’s County

LARGO, MD – The Prince George’s County Planning Department of The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission (M-NCPPC) released a new online Retail Revitalization Guide, and supporting Retail Revitalization Report 2023, identifying market opportunities for retail and residential development within Prince George’s County to meet the demands of consumer shopping trends and encouraging reinvestment into surplus older retail properties unable to meet current and future market demand. Developed in collaboration with the Prince George’s County Economic Development Corporation and Redevelopment Authority, the Retail Revitalization Guide uses the Branch Ave Corridor to assess the performance of existing retail and identifies five pilot sites across the County to offer inspiration on what potential revitalization to the existing shopping corridors would look like. The guide explores a range of solutions available to private property owners and to County agencies, from small-scale improvements to complete redevelopment projects. The Prince George’s County Zoning Ordinance, adopted April 1, 2022, allows for more flexibility to facilitate the development of existing commercial corridors into mixed-use centers. The guide also informs stakeholders and property owners about the potential financial benefits of revitalizing their properties and provides an interactive toolkit that includes illustrations of potential revitalization strategies, imagery of successful projects, and step-by-step recommendations for implementation.

“Through collaboration and innovation, the Retail Revitalization Guide guides business owners, developers, and property owners with reimagining commercial spaces and connecting to economic development incentives to help spark property improvement along retail corridors,” said Peter A. Shapiro, Chair of the Prince George’s County Planning Board.

“Designed to assist decision makers with navigating the numerous opportunities within Prince George’s County, the interactive website not only explores revitalization strategies – reprogramming, renovations, repurposing, retrofits, and redevelopment – but it links stakeholders directly to the County resources, new zoning codes, partnering agencies, and real-life case studies,” said Lakisha Hull, Director of the Prince George’s County Planning Department.

The Retail Revitalization Report 2023 and online guide offers users five key insights: 

  • A framework for understanding the range and variety of revitalization strategies available to investors.
  • deep-dive market information to aid in programming decisions and investor decision-making. 
  • an overview of typical retail typologies that reflect the on-the-ground conditions of properties. 
  • successful national and local case studies for inspiration. 
  • conceptual plans for five pilot sites along the Branch Avenue Corridor that offer investors a concrete vision for market-informed redevelopment that is also compliant with the new zoning framework. 

“While the guide presents recommendations for shopping center owners and managers who want to explore options to revitalize their properties throughout Prince George’s County, a deeper dive into different shopping center typologies along the Branch Avenue Commercial Corridor are used as examples to show the wide range of options available in the County,” said Chidy Umeozulu, project team leader.

Key Findings from the Branch Ave Study Area: 

  • The number of higher-income households with incomes over $100k grew 269% in the last 12 years. 
  • Nearly 10,000 new housing units in the residential development pipeline are expected to bring $766 million of new retail spending.
  • There is demand for full-service restaurants with 60% of local households not spending at local fast-food restaurants. 

The public may visit the Planning Department’s website,, to explore the online guide, to discover county resources, and to access and download a digital file of the Retail Revitalization Report 2023 publication free of charge. 

About the Prince George’s County Planning Department

The Prince George’s County Planning Department of The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission (M-NCPPC) is responsible for preserving, protecting, and managing the county’s resources through high-quality planning services and growth management guidance. Visit our website, to learn how you can become engaged in shaping the future of your community.


Amanda Jeffries

Principal Public Affairs and Marketing Specialist | 301-952-4584
